Sibiu: Neagu Cosmin castiga Cupa Shopping City

Concursul a contat pentru circuitul de juniori anual-Grand Prix Junior 2009

neagu_Cosmin_Caciulati_2009 008

Neagu Cosmin(Stanga) castigator al Cupei Shopping City Sibiu

toma_raducristian Toma Radu -Cristian, locul 2

Final Ranking after 8 Rounds

Rk. Name FED Rtg Club/City Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3
1 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin ROU 825 Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucure 7,5 40,0 30,0 37,00
2 I Toma Radu-Cristian ROU 2067 Cs Dinamo Bucuresti 7,0 44,5 33,0 37,00
3 I Dalidis Constantin ROU 690 Cs Tera Sah Medias 6,0 41,5 30,0 27,00
4 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru ROU 1452 Csu Sibiu 6,0 40,0 29,5 27,00
5 I Miroi Robert-Andrei ROU 1749 Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucur 6,0 39,5 28,0 29,00
6 I Cosman Andreea-Marioara ROU 1468 Csm Craiova 5,5 39,5 29,5 24,50
7 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian ROU 1586 Css Nr 1 Pajura Bucurest 5,5 39,5 28,5 24,75
8 II Cotarlan Codrin ROU 795 Cs Sig-Mar Sighetu Marmat 5,5 36,0 27,0 21,50
9 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan ROU 570 Csu Sibiu 5,5 33,5 25,0 21,00
10 II Stoia Denis-Iulian ROU 1603 Cs Tera Sah Medias 5,0 38,5 28,5 22,50
11 I David Alexandru-Vasile ROU 1770 Clubul Central De Sah Buc 5,0 37,5 28,0 19,50
12 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel ROU 664 Cs Dinamo Bucuresti 5,0 37,5 27,5 18,50
13 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai ROU 592 Css Nr 1 Pajura Bucurest 5,0 35,0 26,0 20,00
14 II Candea Paul-Razvan ROU 556 Acs Logismart Sibiu 5,0 34,5 25,5 19,50
15 II Suciu Denis-Marius ROU 508 Cs Tera Sah Medias 5,0 33,0 25,0 17,75
16 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru ROU 656 Clubul Central De Sah Buc 5,0 31,0 22,0 16,00
17 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina ROU 571 Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucur 4,5 41,0 30,0 19,00
18 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra ROU 1604 Cs Dinamo Bucuresti 4,5 40,5 30,5 22,25
19 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra ROU 519 Clubul Central De Sah Buc 4,5 32,0 24,5 13,50
20 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea ROU 571 Clubul Central De Sah Buc 4,5 31,5 26,0 15,50
21 III Grozea Ioan ROU 464 Cs Tera Sah Medias 4,5 31,0 23,5 13,75
22 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai ROU 618 Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucur 4,5 31,0 23,0 14,75
23 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin ROU 485 Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucur 4,5 30,5 22,5 14,75
24 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian ROU 684 Css Nr 2 Bucuresti 4,0 35,0 27,5 14,50
25 II Ileana George ROU 547 Cm De Sah Alba Iulia 4,0 35,0 27,0 12,50
26 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan ROU 481 Cs Romtelecom Suceava 4,0 34,5 25,0 13,75
27 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta ROU 464 Acs Logismart Sibiu 4,0 34,0 25,5 15,75
28 Suciu Ioan-Toader ROU 401 Acs Logismart Sibiu 4,0 34,0 25,5 15,50
29 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu ROU 466 Acs Logismart Sibiu 4,0 33,5 25,0 15,00
30 II Serb Sofia-Teodora ROU 495 Csu Sibiu 4,0 31,0 23,5 10,00
31 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin ROU 461 Acs Logismart Sibiu 4,0 29,5 24,0 10,50
32 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel ROU 413 Acs Logismart Sibiu 4,0 28,0 21,5 8,00
33 Popescu Vlad-Andrei ROU 401 Cs Sah Club Potaissa Turd 4,0 25,0 18,5 9,50
34 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand ROU 795 Css Nr 1 Pajura Bucurest 3,5 34,5 26,0 12,75
35 II David Bogdan-Emanuel ROU 517 Cs Ineu 3,5 29,0 22,0 11,25
36 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut ROU 511 Csu Sibiu 3,5 29,0 21,5 10,50
37 III Mihaltan Traian ROU 428 Acs Logismart Sibiu 3,5 28,5 21,0 8,75
38 Florea Adrian-Cristian ROU 401 Csu Sibiu 3,5 27,0 20,0 9,75
39 III Ileana Maria ROU 426 Cm De Sah Alba Iulia 3,0 34,5 24,0 10,00
40 III Pascu Patrick ROU 431 Csu Sibiu 3,0 33,0 25,0 9,00
41 Mihai Ioana-Maria ROU 401 Cs Otopeni 3,0 28,0 20,5 7,00
42 Florea Ioan-Albert ROU 401 Csu Sibiu 3,0 26,5 19,5 8,00
43 Mitrica Mihai ROU 401 Cs Sah Club Potaissa Turd 3,0 25,5 20,0 7,50
44 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana ROU 401 Cs Sah Club Potaissa Turd 3,0 22,5 16,0 6,50
45 III Balaci Oana-Miruna ROU 416 Acs Logismart Sibiu 3,0 20,5 16,0 4,00
46 Chis Vlad-Teodor ROU 401 Cs Tera Sah Medias 2,5 31,5 24,0 7,75
47 Popa Teodora ROU 401 Cs Tera Sah Medias 2,5 27,0 20,5 6,75
48 Chivoiu Emanuel ROU 401 Cs Tera Sah Medias 2,5 25,5 19,0 5,00
49 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel ROU 419 Csu Sibiu 2,0 33,5 26,0 5,00
50 Bolovan Rares-Constantin ROU 401 Acs Logismart Sibiu 2,0 27,0 20,5 4,50
51 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina ROU 401 Cs Sah Club Potaissa Turd 2,0 18,5 14,5 2,50
52 Popa Ovidiu ROU 401 Cs Sah Club Potaissa Turd 1,5 24,5 18,5 3,25
53 Radu Alexandru ROU 401 Csu Sibiu 1,5 20,5 16,0 1,50
54 Gog-Ciceu Daniel ROU 401 Canada 1,0 23,5 18,5 5,50
55 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel ROU 455 Asc Ramnicu Valcea 0,0 32,0 24,0 0,00
Gellert Victor-Ionut ROU 401 Cs Tera Sah Medias 0,0 32,0 24,0 0,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break (with modified points, analogous to Buchholz Tie-Break)


Round 5 on 2009/10/04

Bo. No. Name Pts. Result Pts. Name No.
1 12 I Dalidis Constantin 4 0 – 1 4 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin 9
2 3 I Miroi Robert-Andrei ½ – ½ I Cosman Andreea-Marioara 7
3 1 I Toma Radu-Cristian 3 1 – 0 3 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru 8
4 13 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian 3 0 – 1 3 I David Alexandru-Vasile 2
5 17 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai 3 0 – 1 3 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra 4
6 5 II Stoia Denis-Iulian 3 1 – 0 3 II Cotarlan Codrin 10
7 19 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea 3 0 – 1 3 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian 6
8 11 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand 0 – 1 3 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina 18
9 31 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta 0 – 1 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel 14
10 15 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru 2 1 – 0 II David Bogdan-Emanuel 24
11 28 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin 2 1 – 0 2 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai 16
12 20 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan 2 ½ – ½ 2 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan 29
13 21 II Candea Paul-Razvan 2 1 – 0 2 III Grozea Ioan 32
14 30 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu 2 0 – 1 2 II Ileana George 22
15 23 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra 2 1 – 0 2 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin 33
16 25 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut 2 0 – 1 2 III Pascu Patrick 35
17 38 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel 2 0 – 1 2 II Suciu Denis-Marius 26
18 27 II Serb Sofia-Teodora 2 1 – 0 2 III Ileana Maria 37
19 36 III Mihaltan Traian 0 – 1 2 Suciu Ioan-Toader 56
20 39 III Balaci Oana-Miruna 1 0 – 1 1 Florea Ioan-Albert 45
21 47 Gog-Ciceu Daniel 1 0 – 1 1 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel 40
22 48 Mihai Ioana-Maria 1 1 – 0 1 Bolovan Rares-Constantin 41
23 42 Chis Vlad-Teodor 1 1 – 0 1 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana 49
24 50 Mitrica Mihai 1 1 – 0 1 Chivoiu Emanuel 43
25 44 Florea Adrian-Cristian 1 ½ – ½ 1 Popa Teodora 52
26 54 Popescu Vlad-Andrei 1 1 – 0 ½ Popa Ovidiu 51
27 55 Radu Alexandru 0 ½ – ½ 0 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina 53
28 34 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel 0 0 not paired
29 46 Gellert Victor-Ionut 0 0 not paired


Round 6 on 2009/10/04

Bo. No. Name Pts. Result Pts. Name No.
1 2 I David Alexandru-Vasile 4 0 – 1 5 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin 9
2 6 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian 4 0 – 1 4 I Toma Radu-Cristian 1
3 18 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina 4 ½ – ½ 4 I Miroi Robert-Andrei 3
4 4 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra 4 0 – 1 4 I Cosman Andreea-Marioara 7
5 5 II Stoia Denis-Iulian 4 0 – 1 4 I Dalidis Constantin 12
6 14 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel 1 – 0 3 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian 13
7 8 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru 3 1 – 0 3 II Serb Sofia-Teodora 27
8 10 II Cotarlan Codrin 3 1 – 0 3 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin 28
9 22 II Ileana George 3 1 – 0 3 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru 15
10 35 III Pascu Patrick 3 0 – 1 3 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai 17
11 26 II Suciu Denis-Marius 3 ½ – ½ 3 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea 19
12 56 Suciu Ioan-Toader 3 0 – 1 3 II Candea Paul-Razvan 21
13 20 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan 1 – 0 3 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra 23
14 31 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta 0 – 1 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand 11
15 24 II David Bogdan-Emanuel 0 – 1 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan 29
16 16 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai 2 1 – 0 2 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel 38
17 45 Florea Ioan-Albert 2 0 – 1 2 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut 25
18 40 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel 2 0 – 1 2 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu 30
19 32 III Grozea Ioan 2 ½ – ½ 2 Chis Vlad-Teodor 42
20 33 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin 2 1 – 0 2 Popescu Vlad-Andrei 54
21 37 III Ileana Maria 2 1 – 0 2 Mihai Ioana-Maria 48
22 44 Florea Adrian-Cristian 0 – 1 2 Mitrica Mihai 50
23 52 Popa Teodora 0 – 1 III Mihaltan Traian 36
24 39 III Balaci Oana-Miruna 1 1 – 0 1 Gog-Ciceu Daniel 47
25 41 Bolovan Rares-Constantin 1 1 – 0 1 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana 49
26 53 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina ½ ½ – ½ 1 Chivoiu Emanuel 43
27 51 Popa Ovidiu ½ 1 – 0 ½ Radu Alexandru 55
28 34 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel 0 0 not paired
29 46 Gellert Victor-Ionut 0 0 not paired


Round 7 on 2009/10/04

Bo. No. Name Pts. Result Pts. Name No.
1 9 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin 6 1 – 0 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel 14
2 7 I Cosman Andreea-Marioara 5 0 – 1 5 I Toma Radu-Cristian 1
3 12 I Dalidis Constantin 5 1 – 0 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina 18
4 3 I Miroi Robert-Andrei 1 – 0 4 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra 4
5 10 II Cotarlan Codrin 4 1 – 0 4 I David Alexandru-Vasile 2
6 17 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai 4 0 – 1 4 II Stoia Denis-Iulian 5
7 22 II Ileana George 4 0 – 1 4 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian 6
8 21 II Candea Paul-Razvan 4 0 – 1 4 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru 8
9 11 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand 0 – 1 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan 20
10 29 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan ½ – ½ II Suciu Denis-Marius 26
11 19 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea ½ – ½ 3 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai 16
12 13 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian 3 1 – 0 3 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu 30
13 15 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru 3 1 – 0 3 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin 33
14 23 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra 3 1 – 0 3 III Pascu Patrick 35
15 25 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut 3 0 – 1 3 Suciu Ioan-Toader 56
16 27 II Serb Sofia-Teodora 3 1 – 0 3 Mitrica Mihai 50
17 28 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin 3 1 – 0 3 III Ileana Maria 37
18 36 III Mihaltan Traian 0 – 1 II David Bogdan-Emanuel 24
19 42 Chis Vlad-Teodor 0 – 1 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta 31
20 38 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel 2 0 – 1 III Grozea Ioan 32
21 48 Mihai Ioana-Maria 2 1 – 0 2 III Balaci Oana-Miruna 39
22 40 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel 2 1 – 0 2 Florea Ioan-Albert 45
23 54 Popescu Vlad-Andrei 2 1 – 0 2 Bolovan Rares-Constantin 41
24 43 Chivoiu Emanuel 1 – 0 Popa Teodora 52
25 51 Popa Ovidiu 0 – 1 Florea Adrian-Cristian 44
26 47 Gog-Ciceu Daniel 1 0 – 1 1 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina 53
27 49 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana 1 1 – 0 ½ Radu Alexandru 55
28 34 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel 0 0 not paired
29 46 Gellert Victor-Ionut 0 0 not paired


Round 8 on 2009/10/04

Bo. No. Name Pts. Result Pts. Name No.
1 9 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin 7 ½ – ½ I Miroi Robert-Andrei 3
2 1 I Toma Radu-Cristian 6 1 – 0 6 I Dalidis Constantin 12
3 8 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru 5 1 – 0 5 II Stoia Denis-Iulian 5
4 6 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian 5 ½ – ½ 5 I Cosman Andreea-Marioara 7
5 14 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel ½ – ½ 5 II Cotarlan Codrin 10
6 20 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan 1 – 0 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina 18
7 2 I David Alexandru-Vasile 4 1 – 0 4 II Ileana George 22
8 4 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra 4 ½ – ½ 4 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra 23
9 26 II Suciu Denis-Marius 4 1 – 0 4 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian 13
10 15 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru 4 1 – 0 4 II Serb Sofia-Teodora 27
11 56 Suciu Ioan-Toader 4 0 – 1 4 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai 17
12 19 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea 4 ½ – ½ 4 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin 28
13 29 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan 4 0 – 1 4 II Candea Paul-Razvan 21
14 32 III Grozea Ioan 1 – 0 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand 11
15 16 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai 1 – 0 II David Bogdan-Emanuel 24
16 31 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta ½ – ½ 3 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut 25
17 30 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu 3 1 – 0 3 Mihai Ioana-Maria 48
18 50 Mitrica Mihai 3 0 – 1 3 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin 33
19 35 III Pascu Patrick 3 0 – 1 3 Popescu Vlad-Andrei 54
20 37 III Ileana Maria 3 0 – 1 3 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel 40
21 43 Chivoiu Emanuel 0 – 1 III Mihaltan Traian 36
22 44 Florea Adrian-Cristian 1 – 0 Chis Vlad-Teodor 42
23 49 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana 2 1 – 0 2 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel 38
24 53 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina 2 0 – 1 2 III Balaci Oana-Miruna 39
25 45 Florea Ioan-Albert 2 1 – 0 2 Bolovan Rares-Constantin 41
26 52 Popa Teodora 1 – 0 Popa Ovidiu 51
27 55 Radu Alexandru ½ 1 – 0 1 Gog-Ciceu Daniel 47
28 34 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel 0 0 not paired
29 46 Gellert Victor-Ionut 0 0 not paired

Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk. Name Rtg FED 1.Rd 2.Rd 3.Rd 4.Rd 5.Rd 6.Rd 7.Rd 8.Rd Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3
1 I Neagu Mihai-Cosmin 825 ROU 39w1 25s1 17w1 2w1 3s1 11s1 12w1 5w½ 7,5 40,0 30,0 37,00
2 I Toma Radu-Cristian 2067 ROU 26w1 16s1 8w1 1s0 4w1 7s1 6s1 3w1 7,0 44,5 33,0 37,00
3 I Dalidis Constantin 690 ROU 32s1 30w1 18w1 4s1 1w0 10s1 17w1 2s0 6,0 41,5 30,0 27,00
4 II Muresan Mihai-Alexandru 1452 ROU 37s1 19w1 13s1 3w0 2s0 30w1 14s1 10w1 6,0 40,0 29,5 27,00
5 I Miroi Robert-Andrei 1749 ROU 27w½ 22s1 15w1 12s1 6w½ 17s½ 18w1 1s½ 6,0 39,5 28,0 29,00
6 I Cosman Andreea-Marioara 1468 ROU 40w1 9s1 12w½ 24w1 5s½ 18s1 2w0 7s½ 5,5 39,5 29,5 24,50
7 I Otoiu Marian-Cristian 1586 ROU 55s+ 14w1 24s0 19w1 20s1 2w0 25s1 6w½ 5,5 39,5 28,5 24,75
8 II Cotarlan Codrin 795 ROU 49s1 36w1 2s0 29w1 10s0 23w1 11w1 12s½ 5,5 36,0 27,0 21,50
9 II Oltean Vlad-Ioan 570 ROU 41s1 6w0 32s1 11s0 26w½ 19w1 34s1 17w1 5,5 33,5 25,0 21,00
10 II Stoia Denis-Iulian 1603 ROU 31w1 17s0 27w1 25s1 8w1 3w0 13s1 4s0 5,0 38,5 28,5 22,50
11 I David Alexandru-Vasile 1770 ROU 29s1 13w0 49s1 9w1 24s1 1w0 8s0 25w1 5,0 37,5 28,0 19,50
12 II Negulici Andrei-Daniel 664 ROU 46s1 47w1 6s½ 5w0 27s1 24w1 1s0 8w½ 5,0 37,5 27,5 18,50
13 II Otoiu Andrei-Mihai 592 ROU 42w1 11s1 4w0 15s1 18w0 40s1 10w0 28s1 5,0 35,0 26,0 20,00
14 II Candea Paul-Razvan 556 ROU 44w1 7s0 40w1 18s0 21w1 28s1 4w0 26s1 5,0 34,5 25,5 19,50
15 II Suciu Denis-Marius 508 ROU 33s1 34w1 5s0 13w0 49s1 20w½ 26s½ 24w1 5,0 33,0 25,0 17,75
16 II Panait Tudor-Alexandru 656 ROU 48w1 2w0 29s0 50s1 35w1 25s0 31w1 30w1 5,0 31,0 22,0 16,00
17 I Henchel Ana-Maria-Cristina 571 ROU 56s+ 10w1 1s0 36w1 34s1 5w½ 3s0 9s0 4,5 41,0 30,0 19,00
18 I Ciungan Diana-Alexandra 1604 ROU 21s+ 20w1 3s0 14w1 13s1 6w0 5s0 19w½ 4,5 40,5 30,5 22,25
19 II Ungureanu Elena-Alexandra 519 ROU 52w1 4s0 39w1 7s0 31w1 9s0 40w1 18s½ 4,5 32,0 24,5 13,50
20 I Ungureanu Maria-Andreea 571 ROU 54w1 18s0 31w1 28s1 7w0 15s½ 22w½ 23w½ 4,5 31,5 26,0 15,50
21 III Grozea Ioan 464 ROU 18w- 54s- 37s1 38w1 14s0 46w½ 49s1 34w1 4,5 31,0 23,5 13,75
22 II Comsa Ciprian-Mihai 618 ROU 38s0 5w0 41s1 32w1 23s0 49w1 20s½ 35w1 4,5 31,0 23,0 14,75
23 III Gheorghe Andrei-Constantin 485 ROU 28s0 46w1 47s1 27w0 22w1 8s0 39w1 20s½ 4,5 30,5 22,5 14,75
24 II Zlatea Cezar-Stelian 684 ROU 50w1 38s1 7w1 6s0 11w0 12s0 29w1 15s0 4,0 35,0 27,5 14,50
25 II Ileana George 547 ROU 43s1 1w0 54s1 10w0 29s1 16w1 7w0 11s0 4,0 35,0 27,0 12,50
26 III Pop Sebastian-Stefan 481 ROU 2s0 48w1 34s0 46w1 9s½ 35s1 15w½ 14w0 4,0 34,5 25,0 13,75
27 II Bacanu Maria-Nicoleta 464 ROU 5s½ 28w1 10s0 23s1 12w0 34w0 46s1 36w½ 4,0 34,0 25,5 15,75
28 Suciu Ioan-Toader 401 ROU 23w1 27s0 30s1 20w0 37s1 14w0 36s1 13w0 4,0 34,0 25,5 15,50
29 III Bacanu Gheorghe-Ovidiu 466 ROU 11w0 42s1 16w1 8s0 25w0 32s1 24s0 41w1 4,0 33,5 25,0 15,00
30 II Serb Sofia-Teodora 495 ROU 53w1 3s0 28w0 48s1 39w1 4s0 43w1 16s0 4,0 31,0 23,5 10,00
31 III Codreanu Alex-Cosmin 461 ROU 10s0 41w1 20s0 54w1 19s0 33w1 16s0 43s1 4,0 29,5 24,0 10,50
32 III Bolovan Razvan-Ionel 413 ROU 3w0 53s1 9w0 22s0 54s1 29w0 42w1 39s1 4,0 28,0 21,5 8,00
33 Popescu Vlad-Andrei 401 ROU 15w0 45s1 35w0 39s0 52w1 31s0 50w1 40s1 4,0 25,0 18,5 9,50
34 II Sarateanu Alexandru-Armand 795 ROU 45w1 15s0 26w1 35s½ 17w0 27s1 9w0 21s0 3,5 34,5 26,0 12,75
35 II David Bogdan-Emanuel 517 ROU 47s0 50w1 33s1 34w½ 16s0 26w0 37s1 22s0 3,5 29,0 22,0 11,25
36 II Muresan Adrian-Ionut 511 ROU 51w1 8s0 38w1 17s0 40w0 42s1 28w0 27s½ 3,5 29,0 21,5 10,50
37 III Mihaltan Traian 428 ROU 4w0 52s½ 21w0 44s1 28w0 47s1 35w0 48s1 3,5 28,5 21,0 8,75
38 Florea Adrian-Cristian 401 ROU 22w1 24w0 36s0 21s0 47w½ 43w0 52s1 46w1 3,5 27,0 20,0 9,75
39 III Ileana Maria 426 ROU 1s0 43w1 19s0 33w1 30s0 41w1 23s0 32w0 3,0 34,5 24,0 10,00
40 III Pascu Patrick 431 ROU 6s0 44w1 14s0 47w1 36s1 13w0 19s0 33w0 3,0 33,0 25,0 9,00
41 Mihai Ioana-Maria 401 ROU 9w0 31s0 22w0 51s1 50w1 39s0 45w1 29s0 3,0 28,0 20,5 7,00
42 Florea Ioan-Albert 401 ROU 13s0 29w0 43s1 49w0 45s1 36w0 32s0 50w1 3,0 26,5 19,5 8,00
43 Mitrica Mihai 401 ROU 25w0 39s0 42w0 53s1 48w1 38s1 30s0 31w0 3,0 25,5 20,0 7,50
44 Mincu Smaranda-Stanca-Ioana 401 ROU 14s0 40s0 45w1 37w0 46s0 50s0 53w1 49w1 3,0 22,5 16,0 6,50
45 III Balaci Oana-Miruna 416 ROU 34s0 33w0 44s0 52s1 42w0 54w1 41s0 51s1 3,0 20,5 16,0 4,00
46 Chis Vlad-Teodor 401 ROU 12w0 23s0 51w1 26s0 44w1 21s½ 27w0 38s0 2,5 31,5 24,0 7,75
47 Popa Teodora 401 ROU 35w1 12s0 23w0 40s0 38s½ 37w0 48s0 52w1 2,5 27,0 20,5 6,75
48 Chivoiu Emanuel 401 ROU 16s0 26s0 53w1 30w0 43s0 51s½ 47w1 37w0 2,5 25,5 19,0 5,00
49 III Boabes Daniel-Pavel 419 ROU 8w0 51s1 11w0 42s1 15w0 22s0 21w0 44s0 2,0 33,5 26,0 5,00
50 Bolovan Rares-Constantin 401 ROU 24s0 35s0 52w1 16w0 41s0 44w1 33s0 42s0 2,0 27,0 20,5 4,50
51 Popescu Ruxandra-Catalina 401 ROU 36s0 49w0 46s0 41w0 53s½ 48w½ 54s1 45w0 2,0 18,5 14,5 2,50
52 Popa Ovidiu 401 ROU 19s0 37w½ 50s0 45w0 33s0 53w1 38w0 47s0 1,5 24,5 18,5 3,25
53 Radu Alexandru 401 ROU 30s0 32w0 48s0 43w0 51w½ 52s0 44s0 54w1 1,5 20,5 16,0 1,50
54 Gog-Ciceu Daniel 401 ROU 20s0 21w+ 25w0 31s0 32w0 45s0 51w0 53s0 1,0 23,5 18,5 5,50
55 III Deac Bogdan-Daniel 455 ROU 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 0,0 32,0 24,0 0,00
56 Gellert Victor-Ionut 401 ROU 17w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 0,0 32,0 24,0 0,00


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  • 1305
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